Tag: ear

Estudios de cabeza y oreja (1665-1670)

Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617-1682) Estudios de cabeza y oreja (Studies of a Head and Ear) 1665–1670 Red and black chalk, 18.4 x 14.1 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton The descriptive use of red and black chalk to depict color is…

Busto di giovane (c.1530)

Michelangelo (1475-1564) Busto di giovane (Bust of a Youth and Caricature Head of an Old Man, Both in Left Profile) c.1530 Black chalk on tan laid paper, 18.3 × 12.3 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton During the 1520s and early…

Monje hablando con una anciana (c.1825)

Goya, Francisco de (1746-1828) Monje hablando con una anciana (Monk Talking to an Old Woman) c.1825 Watercolor, 5.7 x 5.4 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton In December 1825, Goya wrote to his friend Joaquín Ferrer, “It is true that last…

Study of a head (s.d.)

Burne-Jones, Edward (1833-1898) Study of a head s.d. Oil on wooden panel, 35.5 x 25.6 cm National Museum Wales, Cardiff This is an oil study of one of the singing boys in the background of Edward Burne-Jones‘s best-known painting ‘King Cophetua…

Edgar Degas (1878)

Desboutin, Marcellin (1823-1902) Edgar Degas 1878 Drypoint, 21 × 12.8 cm Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge Compare: Desboutin, Marcellin (1823-1902) Degas 1876 National Gallery of Art, Washington     Desboutin, Marcellin (1823-1902) Portrait du peintre Degas 1876 Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton     See also: • Degas, Edgar (1834-1917)

Portrait du peintre Degas (1876)

Desboutin, Marcellin (1823-1902) Portrait du peintre Degas (Portrait of Degas, from Life) 1876 Drypoint, 23 x 14.5 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton Compare: Desboutin, Marcellin (1823-1902) Degas 1876 National Gallery of Art, Washington     Desboutin, Marcellin (1823-1902) Edgar Degas 1878 Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge  …

Le Cauchemar (1832)

Daumier, Honoré (1808-1879) Le Cauchemar (The Nightmare) published 1832 Lithograph, 23.3 x 29.4 cm Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton Daumier, along with his editor and fellow caricaturist Charles Philipon, scandalized the monarchy of Louis-Philippe through his increasingly critical depictions of the…