Madonna col Bambino e santi (1493)

Perugino (c.1446-1523)

Madonna col Bambino e santi (Madonna and Child with Saints)
Oil on poplar wood, 186 × 172 cm
Kunsthistorisches MuseumVienna

Mary with Child and St. Peter, John the Evangelist (?), John the Baptist and Paul.

Signature: On the base of the throne is the inscription: PRESBITER. IOHANNES. CHRISTOFORI. DETERRENO. FIERI. FECIT. MCCCCLXXXX.III.

This altarpiece shows Perugino‘s classical-ideal style already fully developed. The Madonna sits on a canopy elevated throne, surrounded by Peter, Paul, John the Evangelist (?) and John the Baptist. In their posture, these dignified saints are reminiscent of ancient philosophers. The impression of solemn calm and sacred dignity is enhanced by the harmony of colours and the atmospheric lighting design. (KHM)